On Not Shooting

In Film
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It’s been hard to think of myself as a “photographer” of late. It’s not out of humbleness, or uncertainty about myself, or feeling like that title isn’t true because I don’t take photos for a living. No, it’s none of those things. It’s simply because I’m not shooting. At least I haven’t been for the last four months.

My life has been in a tailspin since January. I know this is the Internet, that this is a photography blog/website, and that I’m breaking the rules of social media by not writing about all of the unicorns and rainbows in my life. But if you know me, or if you were to know me in real life, my hope would be that you would come to learn that I tell the truth. Even when it’s not pretty. Even when it’s hard. Even when it’s more PC to put on a front and pretend that my life is picture perfect.


So, I’m showing up and sharing with you that no, I haven’t been shooting. To tell you that I have been struggling to keep it together. To own up that the furthest thing from possible has been to pick up a camera. And you know what? That’s okay. It’s okay because I’ve made it through these past few months. And I’m going to make it through the next few months, and then the next few months after that.

And you know what else? Whether I’ve been shooting or not, I am still a photographer.

Meghan of Life Refocused


  1. your art will return to you as you need it. I find that I either can’t stop creating when I am in a place of chaos or I am frozen in a state of complete shut down. You will know exactly when it’s time to start up again, until then sending love.

  2. The beauty of art is that it is always there when you’re ready to pick it back up, you never stop being an artist 🙂 the time will come when your camera calls to you, and you will pick it up and embrace it when you’re ready. Beautiful post, xo

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