True to Your Word

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As the seasons change in Houston from “Hotter than the Sun” to “Bearable to be Outside,” my schedule starts to get a little messy.  Ok, a LOT messy.  The portrait side of my business picks up, my teaching schedule is in full swing, and my kids sports and activities start to crowd into each other.  And then on top of that, I start to witness all the Christmas displays going up and it’s enough to make my brain want to shift into crisis mode.  Do you know that feeling?  Where ALL THE THINGS! need to happen immediately and you’re not going to be prepared and there’s never going to be enough time and the world just might end so let’s all panic!!!  That feeling?!  Yeah.  I don’t think it’s very helpful but my brain tries to go there anyway.


As this season begins to unfold, I’m harkening back to the word I chose for 2016: Ease.   There are a few ways I’m going to try to add ease into the next few months.  I’m going to start looking at my calendar in weekly-view instead of monthly-view so the days actually show how much open space I have for the things that are important to me rather than the perception of being too busy.  I’m breathing deeply whenever I can remember to do it and I’m trying to lower my shoulders and sit with better posture while I’m editing family sessions at the computer.   I’ve started delegating a few tasks to my children already which has created more space for me as well as teach them a few life skills along the way.  (Because you guys already know my aversion to laundry….)


And when things start to get crazy, I’m going to focus on the mantra my friend, Kate, shared with me recently.  She says, “I’m grateful for my full and blessed life.”  Because all things that add up into the calendar are things we enjoy -things we’ve chosen to add in.  Just because they’re all happening at once, shouldn’t make me any less grateful that they’re there.


Staying true to my word – Angie


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