
In Inspiration, Manifesto, Mobile
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From the Viewfinders Manifesto:

We believe that photographic mojo may flow and ebb within each of us but that there is always at least a spark that can be reignited.

I have resigned myself to the way that inspiration ebbs and flows in me, but I must admit I wonder right now when the spark of inspiration will reignite.

Reading Holly and Jenny’s post about HUJI cam I hoped that trying HUJI might do the trick. I love Holly’s idea of seeing my everyday life through HUJI cam, but the app hasn’t really clicked with me; I think perhaps because I feel some sort of unnecessary moral obligation to shoot proper film instead of “faking it” with my phone?

I think what I have learned from this story, such as it is, is that the spark of inspiration doesn’t ignite by itself. Inspiration takes work. And right now I just don’t have the time to work on it, and that is fine.

˜Jenny G.