shooting for me

In Digital, Inspiration
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It seems to be a recurring theme for me in the last few years that I don’t often carry my “big” camera with me outside of work assignments and event shoots.

But in my quest to keep my love of photography from escaping me and also to satisfy my introverted nature and the need to take a breather during work shoots, I always take time to capture moments that are just for me.

At a recent all-day shoot, exhausted and weary, I circled behind the musicians who were performing and captured the singer/banjo player’s shoes, angled together. Out of over 2000 images that day, this was a personal favourite. It’s a reminder to me that photography started out as a creative pursuit, not just a career, and that I need to feed my own creativity when and where I can.

It’s also a reminder to me that as an introvert, I NEED space and decompression time, not just outside of work but during it. I shot an event last year with Liz Fosslien, an author and illustrator who co-authored a book about managing emotions in the workplace and how extroverts and introverts can work and thrive together. Liz and Mollie’s research on how introverts perform best in the workplace gave me permission to do what I already was doing – taking those moments in life (or during shoots) that allow me to decompress and breathe and also allow time to be creative just for me.

I’m grateful that as I gain experience and confidence as a photographer, I’m also learning that being true to myself and taking time to refresh is not just okay, it’s a moral imperative.



  1. Sometimes we forget to stop and shoot wat we enjoy, you’re right!

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