I find myself conflicted as more and more places are opening back up. Even though I am vaccinated, I still prefer the protection of my mask. I’m not sure why. In some ways, I feel vulnerable when I am out in public and I don’t have it on my mask. The fact is, I don’t know if I’m quite ready for things to go “back to normal.”

All of this means I still choose to spend most of my time at home. Surrounded by the things and people that ground me. And when I reach for my camera, sometimes it feels as though I am capturing the same things over and over again.

If you feel the same, may I suggest another way to capture the “mundane”?

Simply switch to black and white photography.

I find that when I know a photograph will be black and white, I look through my lens a little differently. Things that I see day to day somehow take on a new meaning when they are devoid of color.

So the next time you feel a need to a creative prompt, try look the same things in black and white.

Until next friends,
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I think we’re on the same wavelength! I’ve been switching to black and white a lot lately too. Also, I think your unease is very relatable. It seems odd after a year of collective trauma we’re just supposed to take our masks off and be in crowds again. Very uncomfortable stuff.
Such a lovely post and great advice! We can get so stuck in our “normal” process. Sometimes, a new perspective is just what is needed. Thanks for the lovely reminder.
I love this photo tip and you are in good company with the mask wearing. I definitely don mine when I’m out shopping for groceries, running errands; taking a walk … As far as I’m concerned the mask signals that I care for you and for me!