A Perfect Summer Day

In Inspiration
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I had one of those perfect summer days yesterday. To celebrate my dad’s 75th birthday we took him on a fishing trip. My brother and I chartered a boat to take us off the coast of New Jersey for the day to catch some fluke.

We were up very early and out on the water to see the sun come up.

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FullSizeRender (3)There’s just something about the open water and beaches. I spent so much time here when I was growing up and I rarely get back these days. Beauty as far as the eye can see in every direction.


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Incredible blue skies, family, fun, and lots of fish to go around.

(photo cred: our boat captain!)

In these quiet days of August, as another summer winds down, I hope you are spending perfect days with family and friends too!



  1. Glad you were able to get away with family to celebrate your Dad’s birthday! Cheers to many more perfect summer days…

  2. Look at you, hands full of fish! This looks like an amazing day. I love the water.

  3. so glad your day went so well! and your images and words are very heartwarming. thank you, Christy x

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