serious about the series

In Inspiration, Mobile
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At the beginning of the summer, Holly talked to us about the cliche and how we can embrace it.   Her post reminded me of my sink series that I had done in 2014. I shot a picture of my kitchen sink with my iPhone every day for one year and shared it on Instagram.  I started because I loved the mess in my sink and wanted to learn to not only love the messy things in life but to find the beauty in them as well.

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Day after day, I would stand on a kitchen chair and take a picture of my sink.

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Sometimes it was full.

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Sometimes it was empty.

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Sometimes there was a baby in the sink.


And each day I did find the beauty in the mess.

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I have missed this exercise in my life and have recently picked it up again. It reminds me that if I look, I can find beauty and art in the messy and mundane.

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What is something you see every day? Could you make a series of it? Is it your in-flight snack selection? Is it your morning mug of coffee? Is it the simple beauty of the ordinary?  I would encourage you to look for something that you can come back to each day. Watch how it changes. Watch what stays the same. And always look for the beauty in it all.

Staci Lee


  1. I love this series! I have tried ‘a painting a day’ for 30 days, but I seem to fall off the wagon. Selecting somethings like this , or your morning cup of coffee/breakfast, may keep me on track. Plus such a great cropping composition challenge!
    I’m loving your blog!

    • Thank you so much! I hope you give it a try. I know for me, if I don’t put too much pressure on myself, I can do it. If you miss a day or two- just keep going!

  2. I have loved this project since the moment you mentioned it in Seattle. Finding the beauty is such a powerful exercise for us, not just in photography, but life.

  3. I absolutely love your sink series, Staci. I’ve always liked the everyday beauty of what might be considered mundane to some… I’ve been toying with a few different series and I’m not sure whether I could manage to keep it up daily, but it’s something I definitely want to commit to after your beautiful example!

  4. Ah! Finding the beauty in the mess. You’re speaking my language here, Staci. I’ve noticed a similar theme in my own photography: finding the beauty in shadows ( I just might take you up on the daily challenge – een feeling a bit uninspired lately.

    Love this series!

    • I hear you on the lack of inspiration lately. I wonder if it is the change of seasons? Your shadow series is beautiful. I have always been a fan of your work. Thank you so much for your kind words.

  5. Staci! I adore your sink series and I was so glad you brought it back. This is a great read and reminder of our everyday ordinary wonderful, found in our kitchen sink and elsewhere. Thank you for including me too. I also LOVE how we saw this sink brand new and through the year we have seen it change as well.

    Your friend

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