Today I am sharing a few things that have been inspiring me creatively in the last few months. Although most of them are non-photography related, they directly feed my creative beast. I love to draw inspiration from a wide, abundant source. It makes me feel like I am a part of a larger stream or consciousness —- something I find both exciting and comforting. So, here are a few rather random things that are keeping my creative fires burning. This is my second year completing a dietary cleanse in the late winter. A 30+ day clean-up of everything that goes in my body. How does this relate to art, you ask? Well, after the initial settling in phase (the not-so-fun part), I get into a wonderful groove and feel great. I sleep better, go about my day with more mental clarity and have heaps more energy. When I am in that state I feel like I can tune into my creative self with greater ease. I handle stress and deadlines better, and I am generally happier. What isn’t there to love about that?
Anything Martha Beck. I have been on a veritable Martha Beck binge for months now. Podcasts (so many podcasts!), articles, interviews, and several of her books. One of the topics Martha has been talking about recently in her interviews is about what she is calling her Integrity Cleanse. She took an oath to herself about a year and a half ago to not do or say anything that isn’t completely aligned with her integrity. If it doesn’t feel true to her core self, she simple won’t do it. Sounds odd perhaps, but she says it has catapulted her forward in every possible way. Friendships that were dragging her down have gone away leaving room for newer more fulfilling relationships. Her creativity has never been more abundant. Her health, mental health, working relationships, everything has been improved by the simple act of doing and saying only that which is absolutely true, or as she describes it “being the same person in every situation.” You guys, I love this idea so much. I keep coming back to it and have even started a scaled down version that I am calling my Integrity Litmus Test. I do a mental check in and ask myself if my actions or words are aligned with my integrity. Whenever possible I try to act accordingly and when I don’t (either because I am not brave enough to say what’s really on my mind or because I slip up without noticing) I reflect on how that feels. Even this little scaled down version is pretty darn transformational and eye-opening. It has been a lovely, refreshing shift for me and I can see why Martha proclaims that it can transform a life. Have a listen to this podcast if you want to hear more about it.
Here’s one that will seem like a no-brainer to us photographers, the movie Moonlight. Amiright? The baptism scene. The grit and heat of Miami. The composition and light. Goodness! Cinematographer James Laxton shot the entire film digitally and used a different look and feel for each of the three chapters inspired by film stock. It’s so beautiful. I seriously can’t even. Here is a wonderful interview with James Laxton talking about his photographic inspiration. And finally, one to get your body moving: this song by the band Joseph. Play it loud and on repeat. Your welcome.
So, that’s a short list of a few really powerful things that are feeding me creatively, but now I need to hear YOURS. What is inspiring you so much you just have to share it? Let us know what’s keeping your creative fires burning will you?
xoxo Deb
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Thank you for sharing a few new sources of inspiration! Like you I seek to fill my creative tank with fuel from lots of different sources. It feels so good to recognize and appreciate those things that set the world right for us. This month I’m keeping my creative fires burning by stepping away for rest and relaxation. I’ve set the vacation response on my email and put my camera down. I’m waiting and being bored and taking long walks and reading and visiting friends and cooking – and really being present in the everydayness of my life. And today, I’m dancing around to the new-to-me song by Joseph.
I love the idea of a complete creative rest! A sabbatical of sorts. What a wonderful way to recharge. Thank you for sharing that idea. And I am so happy you are enjoying the song by Joseph. I can’t stop playing it.
xoxo Deb
What a fantastic post full of wonderful goodies to fuel creative souls. I tend to hibernate over the winter and use spotify (and now running) to get me thinking again. New music by Elbow, Sampha, The xx and London Grammar are making me smile most at the moment.
I love the music suggestions. I am always in the market for new ideas. I tend to get in a rut and listen to the same songs over and over again. Also, I thought of YOU when I read the article about the making of Moonlight. The part about each chapter of the film being shot with a different film-stock quality reminded me of you.