Thank You, Strangers

In Film, Inspiration, Portraiture
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I’ve been meeting a lot of strangers lately. Sometime last year, I resolved to push myself, to venture beyond my comfort zone and turn my camera towards people more often. Over the last few months, I’ve done just that – approaching these strangers and asking for their portraits. I’ve done this sometimes in the company of friends and sometimes alone. I’m still perfecting my “ask” but so far each encounter has been incredibly rewarding. Time and time again I’ve been amazed at their generosity. They have indulged me, even when it was apparent that I didn’t know what I was doing.

THANK YOU to the man working in the lighthouse, one of the first people I spoke to on my solo trip to Maine. He looked at me with a mixture of curiosity and mild amusement.

THANK YOU to the man who called me over, then grew timid as I composed the shot. He had such a warm smile.
THANK YOU to the kids in the ice cream stand. We interrupted them as they closed up shop for the day. Their joy and energy was contagious.
THANK YOU to the guys riding their bikes along the harbor. Their ease, openness and playfulness was inspiring.
THANK YOU to the man sitting on the stoop, who was so generous with his time. He even gave us advice on how to compose a portrait correctly! 🙂
These connections, though brief, have been a source of joy and hope to me. For that, I am so very thankful.
– Eyes wide open,


  1. Oh these are beautiful. You really captured each person’s spirit. I want to be able to take stranger portraits but haven’t worked up the gumption. Thanks for the inspiration.

    • Thanks, Lucy. Going on a photowalk with other photographers helps a lot with courage 🙂

  2. I do so love your portraits. There is always something of the essence of the person. And so impressed with your braveness. Kudos. x

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