Last week I painted my toenails lilac purple and this week I’m painting my fingernails mint green. Or maybe I’ll go with some shade of pink. It seems fitting as every street corner surrounding me sports an explosion of pink right now: light pink, dark pink, plumb pink, white pink, deep pink, bright pink; they’re all represented as Philadelphia’s cherry trees come to life.

I bought “Lacey Lilac” last May, inspired by my creeping phlox. I thought it’d be fun to match my toenails to their pretty, purple petals for my morning coffee shot. In May, I’ll probably change them to green. Does anyone else like to match their nail polish to the seasons too?

Soon I’ll be hardening off my houseplants, slowly acclimating them to the temperatures outside. My garden is already much further along this Spring thanks to last year’s tree trimming and a tree removal by a neighbor two doors down. I can’t wait to see how everything I planted in the Spring and fall comes together with proper light. I think I’ll need to go and buy some more primroses; mine are pink and I”m sure I need purple. Maybe some violets for inside my house too!

I tend to collect flowers from abandoned lots while I walk around my neighborhood, and I have a small collection of tiny vases to put them in when I return home. My thought is that someone might as well get to enjoy these flowers, why not that someone be me?
Overall, I think I like new beginnings. After shedding the layers of wool and fleece and down that swaddled me all winter, I look forward to the lightness of spring. I’m ready to unfurl my body and feel warmth across my skin. I’m ready for pinks and purples and yellows and greens. I’m ready to sow seeds and sow ideas and make plans to be outside, and my cameras are at the ready too! How are you celebrating the change of seasons this year?
Until next time,
Holly ~ Soupatraveler