At different times of the year, I find that my camera sits idle more than others. It’s directly proportional to how “busy” I feel that I am. I’m not a huge fan of the word (hence the quotes) but I think it best represents how most of us describe the status. Sometimes I think it’s too luxurious to spend the time with my camera because there are other things I “should” be doing. (Again, not one of my favorite words, but you know…) Other times I know I will get lost in what I’m creating and I will lose hours of time. I’ve never really managed to get my act together enough to schedule the time in my calendar on a regular basis. When I do find the moments to grab my camera, the battery may be low or the memory card might still be sitting in the card slot of my monitor. Maybe you can relate?

So these days, the moments when I do manage to get out the door with my fully-charged camera on my shoulder, it feels like a gift. One morning, my son had an early morning warm-up for a baseball game. I knew I’d have an hour before the game started, so I plugged my battery in the charger the night before and laid out my lenses ahead of time. I was so pleased the next morning when I awoke to foggy, moody weather. Finally, my planning ahead had paid off!

When I walk around with my camera, it reminds me how much I love capturing the scenes around me and looking at the images helps me remember that I need to make the time for my camera (and for myself). As the end of the year approaches, I hope that you are making the time for the things that you love to do, too.

Choosing to make the time more often – Angie
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This is such a gorgeous set, Angie. Love that foggy, moody weather! I really love that first image of the fence post. I just might go a walk with my camera this evening. Thanks for the inspiration.
I need to get on this.
You inspire with your words and beautiful images. x