I don’t know about you, but the minute I get some kind of a getaway, vacation, holiday on my calendar, I start getting excited. I plot out just what lenses and filters will be perfect for where I’m going and what I’m going to be doing. I visualize the images I hope to make. Should I throw a film camera in too? How about all of those other little gadgets and toys? (The answer’s almost always yes!)

Maybe it’s just that it’s out of the ordinary. Maybe it’s that I get so used to (and bored with, at times) the angle of the sun in my neck of the woods – probably a bit of all of it, but I just love other people’s light. There’s something amazing about even the tiniest shift in locale that seems to wake up my seeing.

I do think I’m paying a different kind of attention to the angles of the light. I’m being extra attentive to the way my subjects fit into the environment, and how they’re interacting with where they are. But more than anything else, it’s those shifts in how the light plays in varying spaces that is so energizing and inspiring.

One of my absolute favorites is November in south central Nebraska. We have good friends that we get to visit often and playing with that light is surprisingly different from where we live, not all that far away, in Minnesota.

Do you have a favorite, most inspiring, completely re-energizing light that you get to visit? I do find it incredible that the shift in venue doesn’t have to be that big to really give a big shift to my vision.
All the best,
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Hey! That is me! Loved our day together and this post.
I completely get this!
For me, it’s sealight that does it every time!