Here in Los Angeles, we still have high numbers of COVID cases, hospitalization, and deaths. For the love of others and the love of self, we are staying home (besides a social distancing protest or two) and not having friends or family over. It has been hard, and we are missing some of the fun things we used to do as a family. We are trying to make due and have created some fun activities at home.
We are missing getting our nails done and all dressed up for fun events. We have started having beauty shop days. These include giving ourselves mani/pedis, watching makeup tutorials on how to do fun makeup styles, and getting dressed up for no other reason than ourselves.

We have also started a “coffee shop time.” We will set the dining room up as a coffee shop- putting tealights in bowls of coffee beans just for the smell of it. We order coffee drinks from our favorite local coffee shop, and each one of us works on a current project, whether it be work, school, art, or blog posts. We have found a great playlist of coffee shop jazz to finish the mood.

One thing we have been missing more than we might want to admit is happy hour. We used to go out to happy hour after difficult days. We have had to move happy hour out to happy hour in. My son-in-law has been making fun drinks for the occasion, including one of our favorites we enjoyed from Disneyland, the pear martini.

We have also hung a few bird feeders in the front yard, and my front porch has become a sanctuary for my husband and me and for the neighborhood wildlife. It has been lovely just to sit and listen to podcasts or audiobooks.

I edited these images first in color. They just didn’t seem right. In the end, I decided to go with black and white. Not because all these things are sad or not enough- they have been a great source of joy- but because they still aren’t all of life. Something is missing. We have been made for community, we have been made for each other. My soul longs to be out in the city again- without a mask on- so I can see the faces of my neighbors. I miss smiling at the local grocery clerk, chatting it up at the nail salon, and walking into our favorite restaurants and being asked, “The usual?”
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The way you are adapting, and making lemonade is pretty inspirational. I may be stealing your coffee shop time very soon. xo
I love that! If you think of any other ways to bring the outside in, please share them with me. xx
Thank you Staci. I would bet the neighbors and the grocery clerks miss your smile too?
Thank you. That is sweet of you to say.
Thank you Staci. I always learn something new to think about from all of your posts. I too miss my family and friends but making the most of it, wearing a mask and social distancing when I do need to go to any retail establishments. Stay strong and safe with your beautiful family❤️
Thank you! That means so much to me!
So much fun too when you have adults in the house! Love all the creativity and, of course, the images…
We really do have so much fun together! Thank you!
These are just all kinds of wonderful.
And that they’re in black and white makes them all the more timeless.
Big love to you all.