We are into the dog days of summer. According to Wikipedia, the return of the dog star Sirius to the night sky was described as a bad omen already in Homer’s Iliad:
Sirius rises late in the dark, liquid sky
On summer nights, star of stars,
Orion’s Dog they call it, brightest
Of all, but an evil portent, bringing heat
And fevers to suffering humanity.
Maybe it’s because I live in Norway rather than Greece, but I love this part of summer. July and August feel rich and fruitful here, more than anything else.

We’re accustomed to summer by now, like we don’t really remember anything else, and that is glorious in itself.

The greens of the world are never as green as now, while the crops are slowly ripening and turning yellow.

Going back to work in the middle of the dog days, after a month of holidays, is both miserable and good. Miserable because I’d like nothing more than to stay at the farm, or to holiday at home in Oslo, or to travel abroad (now that that’s possible again). But also good because in the period between the summer holidays and autumn the tempo is slower both at work and at home, we eat our lunch in the sun on the rooftop terrace and stumble back into the office all washed out from the heat, and that’s okay.
~ All the best from Jenny G.
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Oh that feeling in August when you are being a bit cheeky by having dinner outside and then have work the following day. I completely relate. x