Look & See

In Digital, Manifesto, Mobile
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The title of this post is taken from the title of a documentary film about the agrarian, farmer, writer-of-gorgeous poetry and fiction, author of withering essays, Wendell Berry. In both his fiction and non-fiction, Berry laments the mindlessness with which we pass our days, most devastatingly manifested in our disregard for creation. I hope I haven’t made him sound too depressing, because that is far from the truth. Well, sometimes he can be, but that can happen when you try to see the world with clear eyes. But his writing is also full of hope and beauty.

Anyway, what does any of this have to do with photography, you ask? Well, it’s all about attention, I think. And love. That title has been rattling around in my head for a few weeks now, leading me to wonder about those moments that have stopped me in my tracks, when I have paid attention (with my camera), when I have felt prompted to stop, to look and see.

Here are some of those moments over the last month…

October 18: A storm is coming and the heavens are doing their dance.


October 10: I’ve walked by this statue many times and am always intrigued by the decision to put her on the ground. It seems somewhat sacrilegious, but on this day, I was moved by the thought that the comfort of her invitation is within reach of any and all.

October 7: During my morning walk, first signs of Fall, crisp air on my skin. Thankful.

October 7: Just a bare wall made beautiful by the light.

September 30: Day off, museum visit, amazed and moved by creativity

September 23: Morning walk in my neighborhood; learning to see the same, familiar things with new eyes

-Eyes wide open, Chinwe


  1. So beautiful. Love what captures your attention.

  2. Beautiful! I’m inspired to go for a walk among the ordinary to find the extraordinary.

  3. Love Wendell Berry and these images!! Thank you for the inspiration and reminder to pay attention!

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