I was out on my runs this weekend, thinking about what I could write to you – about what I could say in this space. I’m in Minnesota – upper midwest of the United States – and we are just barely coming out of a winter that has felt longer and snowier and in some ways darker than necessary. The snow is nearly all melted now, temperatures are slowly creeping into “spring jacket” territory, and the fresh new grass is starting to pop up.

A bit of a spring tradition for me, something I can’t seem to not take photos of, are those magical early morning moments of sparkling sunrise light completely illuminating a dew-covered field of grass. Is it cliche? Oh, 100%. Am I going to take a fresh new raft of those photos again this year? Oh, 100%.

So, for the love of light, of nuance, of the tricks of focal lengths and color and moment. Happy spring.

With love from Minnesota,
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I love dewy grass photos. I remember when I got my 50mm lens way back when — I couldn’t get enough. They’re always magical! 💕
Oh, I do love dewy grass photos! I especially like the second one, though they are all lovely.
Gosh! I remember my excitement at taking my first pictures of dew. And all these years on, I still see the magic!