The Light Lately, from my Camera Roll

In Creativity, Digital, Light, Mobile
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I still remember the slant of the light streaming through those tall windows in the Egyptian gallery. The light poured into that great room, bathing these long-ago artifacts with its warm glow. Slowly walking around this space, lingering over the glowing pieces, made the visit to the Yale University Art Gallery worth it.

From a museum to another kind of space: Duke University chapel, on a quiet afternoon when I wandered in like I do when I need a dose of inspiration, or a (sometimes) quiet place to sit and be still. The light filters in and casts all shades of color into the air. I feel very privileged to be able to spend a lot of time around this beautiful place.

And it’s pretty much guaranteed that if I’m on a plane, I’ll have my camera ready for moments like this.

And then I went and spent a few sweet days going on long walks with this dear one…

-Eyes wide open, Chinwe


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