Accidents Will Happen

In Film, Inspiration
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The more experimentation you introduce to anything, the more likely it is you’re going to make a mistake or two. If your particular brand of experimentation involves making multiple exposures while engaged in the Ph.D. level multi-tasking required to solo shepherd your children through summer crowds and activities, well then, accidents are an inevitability.

Interestingly, though, as I began to shift harder towards abstraction in the way I composed my multiple exposures this summer, the gap between my intentional surrealist images and my accidental ones seemed to close.

Whether this was a result of my subconscious at play or just dumb luck I guess I’ll never know, and I’m not going to tell either. But for both of these images, for the purposeful one and equally for the accidental one, I’m gladder to have these strange compositions than anything more standard I might have been contemplating at the time when I pressed my shutter without realizing I hadn’t reset my exposure dial.

What about you? I’d love to see one of your happiest accidents. If you are so inclined,  please share a link in the comments.

Keep your eyes wide open,
