Forgotten Gear

In Inspiration
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I grew up in a very small suburb of Los Angeles.  We rode our bikes to the park. We walked to the local ice cream shop and bought a double scoop for ten cents.  I knew I lived near the great big city of Los Angeles, but it was made very clear to me that Downtown LA was dirty and dangerous and that it wasn’t a place to spend an afternoon.  I believed this until I became a photographer.  For some reason, putting a camera in my hands makes me an adventurer.  Hand me a camera and I suddenly feel like I was made to see the world and remind its inhabitants of its beauty. This is especially true for DTLA and its small enclave, the Arts District. 


The Arts District is filled with hip restaurants, young locals, and aspiring artists.  You can get a perfectly made Old Fashion, tell tall tales with strangers, and because it wouldn’t be LA without overpriced boutiques, buy a t-shirt for $300.  Oh, how times have changed since my ten cent ice cream cone days. 


I have taken my film cameras down to the Arts District many times. However, on this particular day, we were heading downtown for the afternoon to capture my oldest daughter and her boyfriend, so I packed my digital.  It was so freeing! I have forgotten how wonderful my digital camera is.  I loved being able to change my ISO on a whim.  Sometimes I took two or three shots of the same thing…. not having to stop until I knew I captured it just how I saw it. And because I knew I couldn’t run out of film, I took a few more photos than I normally take. 



My feet.


Just looking up. 


It was wonderful.  I have forgotten the beauty and the freedom of the digital camera.  I am looking forward to grabbing it more when we head out on adventures. 


Do you have forgotten gear?  Is there something in your camera bag you haven’t played with for awhile?  I challenge you to take it out for an afternoon.  See if  you can fall in love with it all over again. 



  1. Having rediscovered my love for my DSLR last year, I’ve hardly let it go but I’m thinking I might switch to the mirrorless for an upcoming trip. It shoots so well on aperture priority that it could be freeing to have one less thing to set. Also, my back will thank me for not lugging the DSLR around.

    Also, I’m becoming more and more obsessed with the idea of spending some time in LA. Of course the beach is a big draw for me but the more I see of DTLA (including Bottega Louie and the Commissary!) the more I NEED to go!

    • If you ever come, please let me know! I’d love to be your guide. I love all we have to offer from the beach to city.

  2. I use my DSLR so much that I forget about using my film cameras. Just the opposite of you. 🙂 I find that I spend so much more time trying to set up my shots. It’s good practice since I always seem to be running out of disk space!

    • I love the slowness of film. It is why I shoot so much of it. It was fun not to think so much and just create. Thank you!

  3. This is wonderful Staci! I have lots of forgotten gear: lensbaby, holga, film cameras (with film), lenses I only use for certain jobs. You’ve inspired me to want to try something different the next time I break out a camera other than my iphone to shoot! Thanks! xo

  4. My poor DSLR probably needs some love! I’ve been favoring my Instant film cameras and my Fuji x100s as the Canon is just so heavy to lug around. Perhaps I need to dust it off and practice some still life around home!

  5. These are brilliant, Staci! And would you believe that I took out my digital last week for the first time in ages? Change is good!

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