“When there is nothing left to learn from the winter, move on to the spring!”
― Mehmet Murat ildan

It is the first day of Spring. For some of us, the Earth is still covered in snow. For others, we have seen enough rain and miss the sky. For many of us, today doesn’t feel like Spring, it still feels like we are in the middle of Winter.
For those of you that are still experiencing winter, I am giving you some Southern California blossoms and little taste of Spring.

When I went out blossom hunting for this post, I grabbed my digital camera. I love film and I love shooting film, especially in the Spring, but I have been trying to pick up my digital more. While shooting, I reveled in all the pinks and blues. It reminded me of my love for the discontinued film, Fuji Reala. It was my favorite. It still is my favorite.

When I got home, I remembered my Replichrome presets and that I had a set of Fuji Reala. I was so thankful I was going to be able to have a little taste of my favorite film. Presets are such an easy and quick way to edit your images. With Replichrome, I not only have the presets, but their tool kit that allows me to customize my images by adjusting tone, color, and grain. I return to them again and again.

Do you have some go-to presets that you return to over and over again? I would love for you to share them with us.

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Staci, I love the soft blur as background for these blossom photos. In this case, the background is as much a part of the image as the subject. There is a subtleness of florals in nature that speaks to quiet, fleeting moments of intimacy. Beautiful work!
Thanks for the link to the presets, too. My personal favorites are those by Rebecca Lily. Not only do presets often easily transform a raw file to a finished image with a single click, but they also do something else. Presets help to train our eye as to what is possible. We gain insight into the various versions of what a picture could be and this helps us to develop our own sense style, our vision for our art.
Thank you so much for your kind words. I love what you said about presets! A big yes! I am off to check out Rebecca Lily’s presets.
Donna says it so well . . . And I too love Rebecca Lily’s presents.
These photos are glorious!
I’ve been thinking of how presets change a mood a lot recently. Your pinks just emphasise that all the more.
I have so many presets I wouldn’t know where to start! x
Lovely Lovely Lovely. Thanks <3