Finding Patterns

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Early last month I talked to you about discovering The Accidental Project, a series of images capturing my kitchen table gloriously aglow in beautiful, morning light. As it turns out, after uploading the past three months of photos from my iphone, I’ve discovered an additional pattern. Similar to my breakfast photo fix, I am also drawn to light at the other end of the day. Specifically the transformation from day into night in one particular location: our daily visit to the dog park.

Last December, Gibson and I rediscovered one of Major‘s (our old dog‘s) favorites haunts on a walk around the neighborhood. As it turns out, new crop of “Covid” dogs have claimed the high school’s baseball field on the edge of Gorgas park this past year transforming it into dog nirvana: an almost an entire city block enclosed by a fence, a wall and naturally sloping hill with plenty of room to run free, chase one another and let loose – doggy style!

Often, while in conversation with other dog parents, I interrupt to call attention to the late winter sunsets or pale, shimmering light approaching the Spring equinox, and I can’t resist fumbling to pull off heavy mittens or frantically punching the photo button on my phone with those fiddly phone-friendly fingertip gloves to capture the moment.

Since I’m shooting images on my phone camera in low light, the quality of photo is not necessarily the best, but that’s okay. I’d rather have the moment to look back on, than to worry about perfection and miss the moment. Luckily my iPhone 11 Pro allows me to take pictures in much lower light than my old phone, so I’m happy with what I can get!

Sometimes I turn around and capture my shadow.

Sometimes I look down and capture my feet.

Sometimes I capture the dogs at play.

But mostly, I raise my eyes – and my camera – towards the sky to capture the sun on it’s journey west beyond the horizon, off to shine its light in another direction where another kindred spirit raises her camera towards a sunrise in a different dog park, halfway around the world.

Have you found yourself capturing any familiar patterns lately? Share with us in comments. I’d love to hear what images your crafting on the fly too!

Until Next time,
Holly ~ Soupatraveler


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