It’s the holidays. While I always optimistically look forward to a couple of weeks ignoring my email and daily calendar and spending quality time with my husband and daughter, it also tends to be a time of melancholy for me. Sometimes I’m Scroogey, sometimes I’m missing my family that are geographically distant, and sometimes I can’t quite put my finger on the why.

Even putting up the Christmas tree this year felt like a chore… it was another task on a long list of tasks, trying to find time in the schedule for my daughter and I to be in the same place at the same time. And I was disgruntled by not being able to find lights for the tree in any local store (and it was too late to order any), so I’m stuck with lights I don’t really like the look of with too much blue and purple.
Small problems in the greater context? Yep, most certainly.

But as the holidays always do, small moments become bigger moments that open the door for Christmas spirit to find its way in. My daughter put the Elf soundtrack on the turntable and as all the familiar decorations emerged from boxes, my heart felt lighter. Some ornaments are ones I’ve found over the years (one of my favourites was bought at a market in China over 20 years ago), some were gifted to us by friends or in most cases, my mother. They each have a story and a memory attached (well mostly… there are a few that are complete mysteries!).

I know I’m not alone in sometimes finding the holidays difficult to navigate. But I’m grateful nonetheless for a warm home and the people I love best in the world. And a tree that symbolizes the spirit of this time of year, even if there are too many blue and purple lights.
I wish you all happiness, warmth, health, and safety.

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I love remembering the stories behind the ornaments. Thank you for sharing yours.
I love the blue and purple! It’s so bright and happy and cheerful! I’m glad you rolled with it!