I’m beginning my year by looking back at old film slides. Sometimes my scans come back and I find curiosities among the rolls. Usually, it’s light leaks. Occasionally though, it’s a First of the Roll gem. This is when the first image of the roll has a bit of film burn due to part of the frame being exposed to the light when the film was loaded. I call it a happy accident.

It adds a bit of whimsy, in my opinion. I love how it changes the feel of the image. It shifts the story line. It makes me stop and wonder.

It can leave the image feeling nostalgic and timeless.

I love how occasionally it will burn new color into the image that you hadn’t planned.

I love the serendipity of First of the Roll images. Not planned, but a lovely surprise and a solid reminder that there’s magic in film photography. Happy accidents abound.
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I know! I love how interesting yours are!!
These are FAB! Tate collects these too. Big grins. x