The magical combination of a beloved place and film

In Film, Landscapes, Nature
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This is my first post here and to say that I am a little nervous about it would be an understatement. I don’t usually make new year’s resolutions (other than the often taken and almost always abandoned resolution to start a 365), so for this first post, I thought I would take a look back at a trip we took last October. We drove 1 500 kilometres (and as many back) from Toronto to my favourite place on earth, the Gaspé Peninsula, where the St Lawrence meets the Atlantic ocean. La Gaspésie is like a magnet to me and we have taken that trip many times. I took along a digital camera, for safety and for instant gratification, as well as my Hasselblad, my Fuji Natura Classica and my good old reliable Canon AE-1 Program. I have yet to finish the roll in the Hasselblad, but did get my 3 rolls of 35 mm processed. I am sure I’ll look at those photos again a few times over our long lasting winter, remembering the sights, the smells, the happiness of being somewhere I love and feeling the magical combination of that beloved place and film.



  1. No need for nerves! This was a beautiful, and auspicious beginning. Thank you for sharing this gorgeous place with us. I think your love left an imprint on the film.

  2. Welcome Valerie! I can see how this beautiful place has magnetized you through your photos! That golden light and the clean lines where the ocean and sky meet the cliffs! Stunning!

    • Thank you Holly!
      I am very happy to be here!

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