Toward the end of last year I decided that I wanted to re-join the 365 project after a couple of years away from it. I missed the daily practice. I missed having a distinct final set of photos chronicling the year. I missed seeing, really seeing, the smaller moments of our lives played out and captured. So, January first, I dove back in.

That first month went pretty smoothly. We started into February and now, halfway through March, man am I feeling the monotony of our winter greys, of our repetitive daily routines.

But I’m committed to keeping on with this thing because the end result is really so very worth it. I sat down with my youngest in advance of this post and we went through the set so far and I had her help me choose ones that mattered most to us.

These are what keep me going with this project in the super repetitive, grey and monotonous days. (It’s still snowing, again still snowing, as I type this post. Again. But it’s worth it. It’s worth it. It’s worth it.)
All the best,
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I do so love your photography and the way you capture moments; this post is a real treat for me. And yes, this is going to be worth it. Every single moment.
Love the way you keep going. It’s so worth it, and spring is coming <3
Love this so much. Our lives are really made up of these “smaller moments.” What a lovely practice.