Every year I get the urge to start a 365 project and every year I abandon it in March or April. I do continue shooting almost every day, but I switch the name of my 365 to an [insert the year] album. That way, I don’t feel guilty when I don’t shoot every day. I tell myself I didn’t get to it, and that’s totally fine. I give myself some grace and I keep shooting.
However, it is May and I am still at it. Why? you may ask. I don’t really have an answer for you. Maybe the reason is I need to show up every day for myself and my photography? Or maybe it is my de stressor in years where the pressure and tension do not grant me a pause to breathe? Or perhaps it is the sheer satisfaction of seeing my entire year before my eyes and prove I and my loved ones lived it well?
Some days are harder and less inspiring than others, but I treat myself kindly and shoot regardless. I also think about all the good photos that I do take (which end up being more than the bad ones at the end of the year) and that keeps me going. And all along, I share them, because I know your love for them also keeps me focused.
I’m sharing some of my favorites so far this year. Thank you for following and for the support and please, cross your fingers for me that I don’t change the name of my 365 to 2023… again.
Keep shooting,

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I love your images — every single one. That porch shot is epic. 💕
Thanks so much, Lucy…
I do really love them, Maite. And I admire your fortitude and am often in awe of the beautiful way you see the world. xo
Thank you, Debbie. I think it helps that I have control over one action every day, that at least one thing stays the same daily.
There is something always so visceral in your images. I’m hoping it’s 365!
Starting and giving up on a 365 is so relatable.
These are all gorgeous, I love every one of them.