If you want to know what a photographer loves, just dig into their archive.
What we look at deeply, repeatedly and choose to try to catch and hold – this is what fascinates and captivates us . . . what we love.

If you looked through my archive, what would you find? Many of my kids and their cousins, for sure. And butterflies and flowers, as should come as little surprise to anyone who has read even a few of my posts over the years.

But shifting perspective from just cataloging subject matter to trying to discern themes, I think you’d see Summer with a capital S. I love both the heat and the humidity, the bounty, the play, the freedom, the color, the light and the ease – all of it!

I am the easiest, lightest version of myself when the days are long, the light strong and Mother Nature overwhelms with fruit and flower.

In the spirit of both paying better attention and loosening my photography up a bit, right on time for the unofficial start of season in the U.S., I’ve decided to shoot a roll of film each week this summer.
I haven’t shot 13 rolls in the past few years total, so it’s an outrageous, profligate sort of goal. But, then, what better time for such an audacious scheme than summer? After all, she is incredibly photogenic.

Whatever you love, keep your eyes wide open for it and Happy Summer!
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una meraviglia questa selezione estiva =)) mi piace la scelta dei tuoi archivi
I am looking forward to seeing your summer on film!
Wow! What a beautiful idea. I cannot wait to see the results! Especially as a fellow summer lover.