I love this time of year around the spring equinox, when we here in Ireland finally begin to see equal amounts of day and night. Shortly after the equinox the clocks will spring forward an hour giving us much needed evening light.
I actually smile to myself when I see the sun finally reaching areas of my home and garden it hasn’t been seen in, in months. Glowing tendrils of light sneaking into places which have been in shadow since last October. Around here it’s know as ‘a grand stretch in the evening’ when light slowly but surely starts to overtake the dark.
Its usually around this time I also realise how much I’ve been searching out the light over the darker months, capturing it through broken glass, or rain covered windows, pieces of crystal or street lights, anything to get through the long dark nights.

As we reach the end of March I can finally begin to see the light at the end of the tunnel, but just before that I’d like to thank the glimmers of light that got me through 🙂
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YES! Love all of your glimmers!
These are all spectacular, Cat!