Lake Views

In self-care
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Summer is coming to an end and I’m moving back into full time teaching mode. The pace of life for our family really ramps up. As things get more hectic in our schedules, I find myself daydreaming of the lake and the serenity of the water. There is something so peaceful about watching the sunlight dance on the surface and hearing the waves as they lap at the shore.

Over the last 20 years, I acquired so many images of the water and I still never get tired of taking more. The act of photographing the lake and trying to capture new scenes has become an act of meditation. Walking along the shore, noticing the details, problem-solving camera settings and waiting patiently for the right moment helps distract my brain from the constant chatter that sometimes feels overwhelming.

When I look back at some of the photos I’ve gathered over the years, I feel a sense of calm – almost like I’m back at the edge of the water reliving that moment. It’s been a saving grace for me these past few weeks as classes have started for me, my high schooler and my college student.

Having all my photos from over the years gathered into one Lightroom catalog has made it much easier for me to group my lake images together into a collection. I can scroll through the pictures, take long deep breaths and reset my focus so I can tackle all the things that get thrown my way.

Now, I just need to figure out which ones I should print to have around all the time.

Enjoying the view, if only from my computer screen ~Angie

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