I recently learned of the passing of a fellow photographer, Srdjan “Wizemark” Kirtić from a stock-photography co-op we belong to, Stocksy United. That evening, my Mom and I raised a glass to Wizemark, toasting a life taken too soon, a talent lost to this earth.
Although I didn’t “know” Sjdjan personally, like many online relationships, I’d come to know him over the years through his work and interactions in our forums. He had a singularly unique way of looking at the world by pushing the boundaries of photography through his use of color, layers and graphic elements and through his “glitch art“. His more traditional photography shared exquisite moments from his world explorations in such a way that makes you want to jump into the moment to experience it for yourself. Srdjan died much too young, and that really breaks my heart.
I’ve been thinking a lot about him, his work, his family and what a loss it is to lose such a talented artist so abruptly. Although I have a very different style and my photography is on a vastly different trajectory than his, hearing about Srdjan and looking over his work the past few days has made me think that it’s been quite a while since I pushed myself to look for something different in my own work. To try something new. To perhaps get back to my own design roots and see what’s still there.
Inspired by Srdjan, in my own small way, I decided to turn this evening’s dog walk into something different. To set a small project for myself and photograph something outside of my usual snapshots, and to then see where it took me.

I set out down the street with a jubilant Gibby – he’s always happier here in the Adirondacks than on the streets of Philadelphia – and inspired by Srdjan, sought out repetitive patterns, mostly in nature, on our regular “short” route. I then paired them together exploring juicy colors, saturation, contrast and perspective for a fun series that’s entirely new and entirely fresh to me. Some work better than others. Some complement each other perfectly. Some could have paired better. But all of them speak to me and pushed me out of my regular routine to try something new.

Perhaps to be truly inspired by Srdjan, I could add more color, more layers, something else! But for me it’s a start. Process out of my comfort zone, make pairings I normanly would not. Have fun with graphic elements I pass every day. Next time I can push things farther.
Srdjan, you’ve moved on to more expansive explorations, or maybe you’ve found your everlasting shack on your perfect beach. I’m so sorry we lost you here on earth so soon, but I’m so glad you shared your colorful, interesting, crazy cool life with us the way that you did. I’m so glad you touched my life, and I wish I’d known you better, but am grateful that our personal spheres rubbed up against each other in at least a small way. Thank you for the inspiration to try something new. And thanks for being you.
Until next time friends,
Holly ~ Soupatraveler
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Love that you went out of your comfort zone – so hard to do! So sad about Wizemark too. 🙁
Thanks Maite!
Wow! These are all so eye catching! I love that how he inspired you and so many others.