My teaching schedule this year is wonderful. I have a nice balance of classes, broken up with study hall and time for planning and lunch, but the thing that makes it especially good is my Thursdays. During the rest of the week, my classes begin at 8:15, but on Thursdays, my first class doesn’t start until 9:45. That extra time in the mornings is such a luxury and I’ve come to start calling Thursday my “Easy Day.”
Usually on Thursday, I try to do something just for myself. I still get up at my usual time, but some mornings I lounge just a little longer with my coffee in front of the fireplace or take an extra long shower. Other times I do some yoga or go for a morning walk. I’ve been known to stop into the local coffee shop for a fancy pastry or a latte. (Or both!) One morning, I managed to run several errands that were nagging before I arrived at my school. Yesterday, I used my extra morning time to take my camera for a stroll.

I went to a local reservoir that is usually a gathering spot for birds of all kinds. I wasn’t sure if the water would be frozen or not because the last few days have had unseasonably warm temperatures. When I arrived, I was happy to see that there was a nice gathering of birds on the water and that some of the area was not completely iced over. The sunlight was warm on my back as I walked the perimeter of the reservoir snapping pictures happily along the way.

I didn’t spend too long, maybe about 30 minutes, but it was enough to refill my insides with a sense of peace and calm. I took long breaths as I drank in the beauty with my eyes and my camera, stopping to notice details and marvel at the complexity of nature’s patterns.

At one point, it struck me that the thin icy layer sort of looked like someone had laid plastic wrap over the top of the water.

As I was making my way around the water’s edge, a nice women noticed my camera and pointed to a on old tree just further beyond where I was photographing. She said there was an eagle perched on one of the branches, so (of course) I had to go see for myself. The eagle was watching the edge of the water intently, but for a brief moment it looked down at me quizzically just as I got my camera into focus.

The other birds seemed equally unphased about my presence and swam nearby as if posing to have their pictures made.

The time went by quickly and my cold hands began to warn me that it was time to wrap up my walk and get moving on to school. I am grateful that I have my Thursday morning downtime and that it allows me to appreciate and reconnect with my interests and take time for myself.

Loving my Easy Day – Angie
Love! What a magical walk!
It’s not every day you see an eagle! Amazing!
Oh the eagle! Love!