Celebrating 10 Years of Viewfinders!

In Community, Inspiration, Manifesto
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10 years. (Where did the time go?!!)

43 brilliant photographers. (Thank you ladies! You are ALL AMAZING!)

1766 posts and counting. (Approximately, that’s a lot of posts to count!)

At Viewfinders, you’ll find no hard and fast rules about photography, instead an openness to capturing images on any camera, be it digital, film or a mobile device. It is our hope that no matter where your explorations of our site take you, you’ll find something inspiring along the way!

We love capturing moments of any kind: quiet moments, moving moments, exciting moments and chaotic moments, they all have a place here. When these treasures are shared, collectively our creativity flourishes and we grow. So whether you shoot polaroid or pixels, with a fixed lens or zoom, there is a home for you here, and we hope you’ll visit often. Thank you for being a part of our new beginning!
~ From one of our earliest posts

It all began with a video celebrating our Viewfinders Manifesto 10 years ago this week–March 2nd to be precise–and we are so happy that we are still going strong, and that you still join us here each week! To celebrate, we thought we’d share a favorite photo from 2015 alongside something more recent. We would absolutely love to hear how your photography has evolved over the past ten years too.

Looking back at my images from 2015, two things stand out. First, the change—so much of it. My photos then were filled with our children, their everyday moments captured in soft light. That’s no longer the case. They’ve grown, and so have I. I also shot a lot of film back then, something I plan to return to. And perhaps that’s where the light comes in—not just as something to chase, but as something to guide me back to film, to seeing differently, to slowing down. Thank you so much for being with us at Viewfinders. And a huge thank you to my fellow Viewfinders for their inspiration through both the dark and light times, for their creativity, and for their friendship. I’ve been lucky to meet so many of them over the years, and each time has been a joy.

It has been a privilege to share our images and words with you over the past ten years, and we look forward to many more to come. –kirstin

Wow – 10 years is a long time to commit to one thing. Over that time span, I’ve changed jobs, changed cities, changed cameras, changed pretty much everything – (including my mind!) Something that has not changed, however, is my desire to create. Photography has been a consistent source of creativity for me even beyond the 10 years of Viewfinders and I find comfort in knowing that there will always be something new to try or practice. Looking through my image catalog from 2015 and the images I’ve created so far in 2025, I notice that I’m still looking at nature and I still love shooting with a shallow depth of field. I don’t think that will change in my future either. -Angie

Happy birthday, Viewfinders! I’ve loved being part of this lovely collective! More than anything, the regular posts have kept me accountable, reminding me to pick up my camera. And that’s what I noticed when I was looking over my photographs from 2015. Then, I was picking up my camera way more often than I have been lately. I was enamored by light and shadows, chasing the light every chance I got. Thankfully my fascination with light hasn’t waned, and I am grateful for the chance (always) to reflect on what it is that keeps me picking up my camera and looking through that viewfinder. – Chinwe

Oh how I love this incredible group of talented photographers — I consider them lifelong friends. I started out with a few of these ladies as an original member of the blog Mortal Muses. I left that blog, which evolved thanks to the amazing leadership of Kirstin, and then joined Viewfinders in 2016. It has been such a privilege to be part of this group. Thanks to all of our followers for 10 years of support.

Can you tell from my two photos below that even after 10 years my love of these colors hasn’t changed? xoxo —lucy

Ten years! What an achievement! I’m so thrilled to be here with this amazing group of photographers. Back in 2015, my word for the year was “move,” which marked the beginning of my iPhone Movement Project. Over the years, I joyfully spun and danced for hundreds of these pictures, until, eventually, the joy waned and I felt I had done enough. Today, I’m experimenting with film. I love that it’s a slower, more reflective process yet it still embodies movement, especially when developing film at home. Working in harmony with the materials is meditative, and I love it! Jacqui

I remember getting an email asking if I wanted to be part of Viewfinders. I was so honored, surprised, and a little nervous. I was so unsure of my photography and felt insecure being included in such a fantastic group of photographers. Ten years is a long time, and I have learned so much from this group and by participating in this blog. It has helped me shoot more and in shooting more, I have learned to love the process and be excited about what I find at the end of my lens. I have loved getting to know the women who have participated in this collective and learned so much from each of them. I will forever be grateful I was asked and said yes. Staci Lee

It’s hard to believe that 10 years has passed! Where did the time go? Ten years is a long time, but the more things have changed in my life, the more they stay the same. Funny how life is like that! I have definitely grown professionally stretching myself to lengths I wouldn’t have imagined. Personally, I capture moments with my big cameras less and less, relying mostly on my iphone gravitating towards the same things: capturing small vignettes inside my home, looking for beautiful light, loving my plants, photographing my morning cup of coffee, taking a kazillion photos of my dog, only now it’s a different one (sob, sob for the loss of Maj, but big joy for the gain of Gibby). – Holly

I remember following Mortal Muses, and then the start of Viewfinders and looking up to all of the amazing and inspirational photographers and women in these groups. And then, like others have mentioned, that email showed up, asking if I’d like to join them. I don’t think I’ve ever responded faster. Yes, a thousand times yes. 2015 was the start of me leaving my office job and staying home with our then almost one-year-old. Now, I’m a year back into a 9-5 (a completely different one), both kids are in school and we’re in a really lovely groove. Ten years! Here’s to those that have passed and here’s to those that will come! – Alison

I’m new here to Viewfinders, joining the ladies with my first post next month! I’m so happy to be here. Looking back to 2015 and comparing my work over the last ten years, I find many common themes: things I photograph, where I photograph, and feelings that I have while taking pictures. It’s interesting to see how my process has evolved over time, and what hasn’t changed much. When I used to photograph flowers in public, I felt self conscious; I’ve noticed that my focus wasn’t as sharp, nor my compositions as interesting, because I was shooting as quickly as I could before moving on.

Here’s an image from 2015 of a Silk Floss Tree taken on a quiet cul-de-sac in my city, San Luis Obispo, California. Fast forward to 2025, my photo of this magnolia tree was taken in a bank parking lot! I look forward to the time each year when the blossoms explode and I can stand beneath the tree, shooting up towards the sky. Even though my photography has become more “intentional,”  the feelings I have when I photograph flowers are the same. I am in awe by the beauty of flowers and I feel compelled to document them. Sounds so cliche but I am truly in my happy place when I take pictures of flowers, whether back in 2015, or now in 2025! ~ Carolyn

Happy 10th Birthday, Viewfinders! I remember feeling both excited and nervous when I received the email inviting me to join. This was quickly followed by the most warm, supportive welcome that made me feel right at home. In 2015, I was just beginning to shoot film! I’d just finished one of my first rolls of 120mm on a road trip to Cape Cod. Fast forward ten years and my love of film continues; as does my love of this collective! These days I’m exploring experimental film photography and remain endlessly curious. I’m so honored to be part of this incredible group of photographers! These women inspire me endlessly and I’m so grateful how we support one another! I feel like the luckiest! ~ Laura


  1. I’ve been following along from Mortal Muses to here at viewfinders, and have found inspiration along the way. Happy Anniversary ladies!

  2. This is wonderful! Incredibly happy to be here, surrounded by so many amazing women. I am so grateful!

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