Common Threads

In Art Projects, projects
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I’ve been continuing the slow and tedious process of going through my years and years of photos. It’s been a stop and start process because it just feels so overwhelming sometimes. I think I shared with you faithful readers before that I’ve been consolidating all my Lightroom catalogs into one giant catalog. I’m nearing the end of that process – with only my archived phone photos left to add to the mix. So far, my total adds up to almost 96,000 photos in the catalog…..

Now that they’re almost all in one place, one thing that I’ve started doing is looking for commonality in my images. I am noticing that I have a tendency to shoot similar objects or scenes. Repeating rows of power lines in landscape orientation, for example:

Or roads in portrait orientation:

Taken in very different circumstances, but yet they all seem to have a common thread. I decided to take this idea and see if I could purposefully edit some of my similar subjects so that it would appear that they actually went together. Here are a few of my groupings that might pass as a set.

Green with water drops.

Power lines against blue sky.

Water lilies.

I’m sure there are many more themes in my work that I haven’t even noticed yet. It’s hard not to get caught up in nostalgia as I scan through my images. I get distracted by the younger versions of myself and my family and I easily lose track of the task that I set out to complete. Eventually, I’ll get my sorting and ordering complete, but it’s fun to be able tug on a thread of creativity and see where it takes me in my photo collection. Who knows what theme I’ll stumble on next!

Pulling threads – Angie

1 Comment

  1. This is a massive job, I’m impressed. Also, I’d be too scared to tackle it myself! lol
    I can’t wait to see what themes you find next.

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