A conversation on Polaroid

In Film, Inspiration
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– Self, it’s been a while since we shot any Polaroid, and now ‘Roid Week is coming up. Why don’t we take the 650 out for a spin, now that it’s properly spring outside?

– Eh, why do we really bother with Polaroid? It’s so difficult to get film! The last pack of expired original film we had was a dud, and remember how much Impossible film we wasted trying to get correct exposure for that cute shot of our baby we had planned?


– …also, it’s not like we have forgotten how frustrated we have been with Impossible film, when we have failed to shield it properly…


…or parts of the emulsion paste have evaporated to give those pesky stripes…


…or when we get those undeveloped patches when the emulsion is unevenly spread.

jennygr-roidweek-undeveloped– Oh come on, self! What happened to enjoying the challenge? The thrill of success made all the more sweet by how difficult it was to get there? Since we’re out every day with the pram anyway, we may as well take the camera along and see what happens.

jennygr-roidweek-good1 jennygr-roidweek-good2 jennygr-roidweek-good3 jennygr-roidweek-good4

– Do you see now, self? Aren’t you glad we gave it a shot after all?

– Yes. Yes I am.


How would you like a roll of instant film? The IMPOSSIBLE Project has kindly given us five packs of their new black and white film to you, our ViewFinders readers. Please comment on this post for a chance to win a pack. (It’s worth it, I promise!)


– Jenny



  1. Hahahaha! Oh how I have this conversation! Especially this past week getting ready for Polaroid Week, I shot up two packs that were terrible. But then, this last pack, oh MAN! Spot on, bright blues, wonderful rich reds, everything is just perfect! And I”m back on Cloud 9 and loving my SX-70. Next week, however…well we’ll see. 🙂 Great post!

  2. I feel the same, and I suspect most, if not all, Impossible users feel similarly. It’s a love/hate thing. But love usually wins out.

  3. Ha! I had this exact conversation in my head yesterday as my entire film had both the stripes AND the uneven emulsion. But I’m gonna shoot another pack today anyway!

  4. I have actually made creating failed/imperfect Polaroids my occupation. I made a failed Polaroids book last year and it was so much fun, I am now making another. This makes me wonder though… now that the Impossible film is getting better and more stable, and I have also gotten a more reliable camera, what will happen to me? As a failed Polaroid photographer, will I become redundant?

  5. The imperfections in Polaroids is what makes them so unique and fun, even a challenge at times. And it’s 100% worth the effort.

  6. I have a whole collection of polaroid cameras tucked in storage. Time to break them out again. Thanks for the inspiration!

  7. Love your inner commentary, cause it’s so true! And love your results even more. These are absolutely gorgeous Jenny!

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