It’s All the Details

In Mobile, Travel
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We’ve been spending time in the Adirondacks this week enjoying a little vacation. From the hot shining sun to cool nights and rain, from a deluge of pollen (who knew?) to smooth – and choppy – waters, we’ve been easing our way though the days.

We’ve raked up the pinecones and put out the porch furniture. We’ve vacuumed and cleaned and of course had a swim. We’ve watched movies and barbequed and met with family and friends.

And through it all, I’ve been noticing the details.

I’ll be looking forward to my next visit, and the next and the next! I’m considering setting up a workstation, so that I can spend more time in this beautiful place. But until then, I’ll be capturing all the details to relive while I scroll through the photos on my phone.

Do you do this too? Let me know!

Until next time,
Holly ~ Soupatraveler

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