A Beautiful Life

In Inspiration
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I had the pleasure of visiting a very good friend of mine who recently started a small farm in Oregon with her partner. The day got off to a bit of a late start as I tried to wrap a million last minute things up and head out of town by noon, to be at her place by early afternoon. Is it Murphy’s law that says ‘everything that can go wrong will go wrong’? Well this day wasn’t that bad, but everything took twice as long as it should have… You know the kind of day that you were hoping would look a bit like a bike ride on a summer afternoon with your hair flowing free and a basket full of freshly picked wildflowers from your effortless morning forest hike; but instead it’s the kind of morning where your milk is sour, you’re coffee’s watered down as you try and make a full pot out of the last tablespoon of beans, you go to the post office to drop off an urgent letter only to realize you left your wallet at home, so back home then back to the post office, but in-between home and the post office you nearly run out of gas, so you stop and get gas, then post office… You get the point, the morning was a little rough.

But then something amazing happened, the moment I opened up my car door and saw my sweet friends bleach blonde braid swing under her well worn straw farmers hat and yell, ‘Yay, I’m so glad you’re here’, all those other trivial nuances faded away just like water into thirsty soil. By the time I left, my cup was overflowing with the richness these two have weaved into their dream come true.

It’s a beautiful life.

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  1. This is such a great reminder on how we allow life to get in the way of living.

  2. Beautiful Hannah! I love your story and love how the love of your friend turned everything around. Lovely photos 🙂

  3. I love how you use focus and the light in your work! What a great story, I love when the day works itself out with friendship.

    • I actually feel I have a really hard time not using light to define my photos and loved reading your post on the use of shadows. I love being inspired to push myself by others…thank you!

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