shooting the shooter

In Film, Guest
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I am a lucky woman.  Not only is my husband a sexy beast, but he is also a film photographer. When we are out of film, we are both equally distraught.  When I am looking at buying a new film camera, he is usually looking at the same one.  In fact, we have five cameras that are the same. Just writing that sentence makes me realize the ridiculousness of it all.

When planning our date nights we usually only have two questions: where should we eat and what camera are you taking?   While we have very different photography styles, there is one thing we have in common- we love to shoot each other.








They say you can tell what a photographer loves by what they shoot.  I can tell you from looking over these images, it is very true for me.

~Staci Lee


  1. I really love these photos and I love that you love to shoot together. It’s inspiring.

  2. Staci, I feel like you and your hubby should go on a photo walk with me and mine – we are so similar! Sharing and buying cameras and lenses and using each other as models. :). Love this post.

  3. you two are the perfect film duo 🙂
    and it is SO not ridiculous, not at all!

  4. It’s great to have a partner and crime. Occasionally, my husband will do some shooting with my back-up camera. I try to encourage it whenever I can because he has a great eye for photography. Thanks for sharing your loves with us.

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