Here in Minnesota, in the upper Midwest of the United States, it’s the very deadest dead part of winter. I’ve written before about how this neck of the woods has a very repetitive color palette this time of year. We’ve been through multiple week-long stretches this time, too, that have overemphasized this white/grey/brown sort of a pattern.

My oldest started kindergarten this last fall and that has meant a change in our routine and a change in our daily sights. Every morning and every afternoon, we walk to and from the bus stop – sometimes racing on scooters, sometimes taking our time, crunching the ice at the curb, or even piling both kids onto the jogging stroller just to see if we can make it all the way there before someone gets squashed.

Often, this winter palette is broken up by my kids’ love of color, and their love of expressing themselves through their color choices. We have many pairs of bright magenta snow pants, multi-colored plaid and shiny jackets, bright hats, mittens, backpacks, even boots.

This year, though, the palette has been broken up by something I didn’t realize would become a staple of joyful color in my routine – that big yellow school bus. I’ve kind of accidentally been developing a little bus stop series of photos this winter, and it’s brought some much needed sunshine and light to what can feel like the longest and dullest of seasons.

What pops of color, unexpected patterns or splashes of joy have been filling you up lately? Has something snuck up and surprised you lately? Maybe something more subtle than a yellow bus!
All the best,
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I love how you document your family. So lovely!
You will so treasure these images as your littles grow. Beautiful. x