The world seems heavy right now. These are somber times for many reasons. We are reflecting, mourning, perhaps even dreading what lies ahead.
But at the same time, a season of light is here. Summer finally (officially) has arrived. For me, it’s the most anticipated season of the year. Through the long winter months, summer looms in my mind as the time of freedom, relaxation, and celebration. So even with all that’s happening in the world, it seems a good time to grab on to joy.

This is not to deny the work that needs to be done, the wrongs that need to be righted in the world around us. But awareness of the good helps to balance our souls (hearts, minds) as we seek a way forward.

Though this isn’t the summer we had planned–vacations canceled, pools closed, celebrations happening at a distance–it is still a gift. Flowers still bloom, favorite foods are still to be savored, my loved ones are still with me, even at a distance.

So today, I will find beauty. Breathe deeply. Enjoy this season and all it has to offer.
And most of all, be grateful.
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Love the image of the sun opening up through the clouds! Beautiful, uplifting post, Leslie.
Thank you, Maite! It’s good to look for the positive things right now.
This is so very uplifting. AND so beautiful!
Thank you.
Also. You know how much I love summer…
Thank you, Kirstin! I’m determined to enjoy this season, even with the restrictions that are in place.
Such a beautiful post, Leslie. So much YES here. xo
Thank you, Michelle! You are always so good at finding those uplifting little moments in time.