The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes.
– Marcel Proust
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I have lived in Northern California for 27 years (which seems impossible to me – given that I lived almost as long in my birthplace in Canada). In my early years here, I explored the rich landscapes in the Bay Area in my time off. I “discovered” many spots that I felt were mine alone, even though I knew how many people had carved the trails I was discovering before I stepped on them.
27 years later, I still see each of these now familiar landscapes with fresh eyes and deep breaths whenever I manage to escape daily chores and head for the hills. It could be a different time of day with different light that makes it feel like I’m seeing it with new eyes, or it might be my deep need for space to breathe and to see beyond my house, neighbourhood, computer screen.

Whatever the reason, whether I take myself up there to blow out the mental cobwebs, or convince a client that we need some hills or rocks as background for photos, I discover something new every time and feel grateful that these views are close at hand.

After a recent trip up the mountain, I came home to upload my photos only to discover that I had woefully over-exposed a few of the photos. Which is when I’m most grateful to shoot in RAW format on my trusty Canon.
Before and after….

I’m not a perfect photographer by any means, so it’s nice to know it’s both possible and immensely satisfying to be able to bring a photo back from the brink of disaster.
I wish you happy trails and fresh vistas.
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I love the way you connect your part of the world. Beautiful. x