Calling all film photographers! There’s a new app in town, just for you.
If you’re weary of the IG scene and want to see just photos (not ads, not reels, just still images!) then Grainery might be for you. I caught wind of this app just a few weeks ago and decided to check it out. For all the deets, check out these articles that give you an in-depth look at this lovely app for sharing your images shot on film.

As of this writing, the mobile app is still in development, so you must upload and view images via the web app. You’ll see that the layout is very similar to Instagram’s grid, and navigating the site is very simple. Since this is an app just for film photographers, you are required to input at least one camera, lens and film stock before you begin uploading images. This is where your brain might be taxed!

A few years ago I began tracking my images with this handy PhotoMemo book by Shoot Film Co. I highly recommend ordering a few of these if you want a simple analog solution for tracking your rolls of film. These books are small enough to tuck into your camera bag, so you always have one at the ready. To further help my memory, I print a few sample images with my Canon Ivy mini printer and affix them to the pages.
Now that I’ve created an account on Grainery, I’m returning to my photo archives for images to upload. This is a good exercise for me, because I’m noticing I shot quite a bit of film in 2019, and then…not so much. I’m making a plan to get more film–and different cameras–into the rotation for the remainder of this year.

I’m learning a few things from revisiting my old film shots. First, I need to improve my zone focusing technique! Estimating distance is apparently not my strong suit. Second, I need to put some of my other film cameras into the rotation. I seem to have the same one or two cameras on repeat. (Having said that, I realize that the more I use a particular camera, the more improvement I should see in the images I make with that camera.) Lastly, I just need to load more film and get out and shoot! I know over the past two years, I’ve limited myself in traveling and meetups, but I want that to change.

So what do you think about trying a new app, dedicated to film? Will you jump on the bandwagon? Wait and see? If you do join up, please comment below so I can find you and follow you on Grainery!
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I heard Hipstamatic might be looking at adding a social piece to their app too? I’d love to have a new place for photography.
Feels like we are in that Flickr/Instagram transition phase and I’m so ready for a new space!
Definitely haven’t shot (or should I say, have gotten my film developed) enough for Grainery, but maybe this is what I need to get me mailing in those rolls?!
Ooh, interesting! I hope you give Grainery a try…I’d love to see more friends over there. I’m counting on this to jumpstart my film practice again. ☺️
Super exciting! I signed up!
Yessss! We need you there for sure.
Such a joiner – I signed up too 🙂 Thanks for the heads up!!
Awesome! I’ll look for you there 😀
Oooooo. You know me so well! This ticks all my boxes.