Finding My Feet

In Home, Inspiration, Life, Travel
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Hello! Just over a year ago I was delighted to have a guest post on Viewfinders, a site I’ve followed for many years. Today I find myself gratefully writing my first post as a regular contributor! 

This couldn’t come at a better time for me, with so many things changing in my life; long term creative projects ending and new ones beginning, I feel that this might be the perfect place to review and take stock of what I’ve achieved and what I’d still like to do photographically.

With all that in mind I thought a good place to start was by reaffirming my roots and introducing you to the place I call home, Dublin, Ireland.

It’s a place that has grown and changed so much over my lifetime, often making it harder to find the empty spaces I love so much. 

But those spaces can still be found if you know where to look! 

Céad míle fáilte!

Cat 🙂


  1. One of the places still on my bucket list to visit! Also I can’t believe my oldest son got to it before I did (he was there this past December).

    Gorgeous pics always and welcome to Viewfinders. 💕

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