All my students cheered when the email came through at the end of class announcing that school would be canceled the next day due to predicted snow conditions. I was probably even more excited than they were at hearing the news. I have been itching to get outside with my camera while it snowed to capture some of the beauty that we experience when the snow blankets our little portion of the world.

After shoveling the driveway, I decided to grab my big camera and head out for a walk. The snow was deep, about a foot this time, and still coming down. I was glad I was wearing my tall snow boots since every step put the snow up to my shins.

I tucked my camera inside my coat to protect it from the snowflakes that were falling at a rapid pace. At my next photo inspiration I soon realized that the heat from my body was fogging up the lens. I snapped a few shots and then let the camera re-acclimate to the outside temperatures before taking a few more.

After looking at the foggy images, I rather liked how the blur made the photos look sort of like paintings.

I continued my stroll through the winter wonderland, marveling at how beautiful the branches looked with their coating of snow.

After a bit, I started to get cold, so I knew it was time to turn around and come back home. I shot a few more pictures on my way, knowing that I had a warm fire and good book to look forward to.

Once I made it back the house, I decided I wasn’t quite done yet with making photos. I wanted to try using my phone macro lens (the one I used in this post) to try my hand at capturing snowflakes. The weather was a little too warm for this task and the snowflakes kept melting on my glove almost as quickly as they fell, but I managed to take a few pictures that fulfilled my goal.

Even Joey enjoyed the time outside with me as I played with my camera on my unexpected day off.

For those of you in the warmer climates, I hope you enjoyed this taste of winter without the hassle of bundling up. Reveling in the snow- Angie
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Lovely! I am usually so exhausted by the time I’ve shoveled my driveway that I struggle to do anything else. I will try to do better next year!
There is something so exciting about snow, isn’t there. Especially love those snowflake shots. Wow!