Go Ahead and Like It

In Digital, Inspiration, Mobile
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I love a good list. List-making is one of my favourite pastimes. Grocery lists? Lists of things to pack for a trip? Love ’em. So when I heard about the new book about list-making Go Ahead & Like It by Jacqueline Suskin I had to pick it up.


It’s a sweet little book, full of actual lists made by the author as well as thoughts and advice. The ‘list of things I like’ is Suskin’s version of a gratitude practice. I had never really connected with the practice of writing out things I was grateful for but ask me to think of 5 things I like and I’m putting pen to paper right quick.

As I was flipping through the book I was reminded of a practice I got from Molly. When I feel like I’m in a cooking rut – like I’ve been making the same 5 meals over and over for weeks – I write a list of “sh*t I like to eat”. As I write down all the possibilities I find myself getting unstuck and soon I’m back in a nice rhythm of varied cooking and eating.

As the weather here has finally turned to spring (the buds are *just* starting on the trees) and I finally feel like getting outside with my camera I thought it would be fun to make a list of some of my photographic “likes” to help inspire me.

Five things I like to photograph:

Farmer’s Markets:


Street art:


Old barns:


My friends doing their thing:


My tiny pup:


So what about you? What would be on your list?



  1. Oh how I love this idea!! Going to get a list together. What a great exercise.

  2. My list is nearly the same! We need to go shoot together. I would also add coffee to my list!

  3. Concession stands, butterflies, other people’s houses, my kids, storefront reflections, city alleys, sea side towns, I could go on for a long while! This is such a fun idea, Debra!

  4. This is lots of fun and a great idea Deb! I’m a life-long list maker and make lists for just about everything, but I don’t think I’ve ever listed out my favorite things to shoot. Great shots too!

  5. I just tried making a list of what I like to photograph and it’s surprisingly difficult. Which must mean I should spend more time putting a list like this together. Thank you for the inspiration.

  6. I love list and for me they can be such a good way of sorting out how I feel about things. Such a great post!

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