My two oldest girls are only a year apart. When they were little people would always comment on how my “hands were full” and that “I had my work cut out for me.” And while they were right on some level, I resented it. I loved that they were so close in age. They were the best of friends and played so well together.

They still do. We had a Saturday afternoon with just the two of them. Their significant others were busy and our youngest daughter had to work. The four of us headed out to a new bar at Union Station. Actually, new might not be the correct word for The Streamliner. It was originally opened as part of a Harvey House in 1939- the same chain of Harvey Houses that the movie Harvey Girls with Judy Garland was based on.

It took four years to refurbish The Streamliner and bring it back to its former glory. Much of the decor—including the floor which had concrete floor coatings, light fixtures, and the entrance and sign —are all original. They had several fun games to play while you nursed your beer or waited for your order of oysters.

It was so lovely to be out with our two oldest for a day of leisure. I no longer have my hands full with these two. Unless you count trying to beat them in pub games.

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These are so filled with nostalgia. And love.
i played almost all of these games. except the ones with low graphic art like f-zero, mario kart, castlevania, metroid etc. contra had low graphic but very enjoyable with co-op.
earthbound, ff should be top5. idk how many times i’ve replayed crono trigger and earthworm jim. others mostly 75%.