We have been graced with some record breaking warm days here in the Pacific Northwest this past month. The garden is flourishing, and the days are getting longer.
Lengthening days make for evening bird watching and reading out on the patio. I often sit with my camera and my book, determined to read but more often than not, the light pulls at me, and I wander the yard looking for things to photograph.

A couple nights back I sat and watched as my husband and Baker played ball in our yard. My first instinct was to get up and join them, but instead I decided to sit quietly, behind the large perennial border that separated us, and take some photos. Because I came out to watch the birds, I had my Nikon zoom, 70-300mm lens on that night, making it possible to zoom in through the tall flowers.
Just like Kirstin, who talked about foreground blur just a few post back, I have been experimenting with this over the past few months also. I love how it presents the viewer with just enough information to create their own story.

I waited, my camera pointed towards the break in the flowers to catch Baker as he ran for the ball, the yellow blur of poppies in the foreground swirling around him. I did my best to focus out through the tall, purple columbine to capture the two of them fighting for the ball; Baker holding on, refusing to let go. I zoomed in to find his sweet face as he looked up towards my husband, eager to give the ball up so he could fetch it once again.

He took a few breaks but my favorite was when he took the ball with him and crawled deep into the border, laying down, almost hidden between the plants. It was cool there and I watched him pant, as his long tongue hung out, happy and content. Once he caught his breath however, he was out begging for more. My husband threw that ball over and over, until Baker finally lost interest and laid down in the cool grass.
My husband joined me on the patio and we watched the light fade as Baker scoped out the yard looking for any squirrels who might be heading to bed.

Yep, summer is just around the corner.
XO, Cathy
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I love all the flowers, just gorgeous! And that foreground blur is perfect!
Perfect foreground blur.
I was thinking how it’s like adding a herb to a meal, just adding a little flavour to the image.
He’s adorable! Love the one with the lemon blur!
Blurry is awesome! And the Baker is the cutest. Two great subjects always at the ready.