In these days that are coloured by sadness, variations in light matter more than ever. Here are some favourite shades from recent weeks.

Really hope you all have a light filled week. Hugs, Julia x
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In these days that are coloured by sadness, variations in light matter more than ever. Here are some favourite shades from recent weeks.
Really hope you all have a light filled week. Hugs, Julia x
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Incredible post! Gorgeous and inspiring images.
Thank you so much! xxxxx
I love everything about this post. ❤️
Thank you, Kirstin. I am so glad you gave me this opportunity to gather some images each month. Life feels such a rush and I am just photographing constantly without much reflection. xxx
So, so beautiful… your new house is just perfect for all those light filled moments!
Maite, thank you. I am so grateful for it. And you!
Stunning! I especially love the first one of your daughter at the table. Thanks for sharing!
Thank you so much Chinwe. Watching the light move around our balcony and bounce off nearby buildings really helps me look up. I love your appreciation of all kinds of light in your posts and especially the light in your home. xxx