We believe that photography is a solo pursuit made much more enjoyable when practiced with the support of a community.
– Viewfinders Manifesto #5
Happy 7th Anniversary, fellow seekers of light and imagery! We have been sharing our photos on this site for seven years and thought it was worth celebrating. We are all filled with gratitude that you continue to follow our journey each week. It’s all about community, as our manifesto says above, and when we have struggled with motivation and mojo, we lift each other up and inspire and encourage each other to share our stories anyway whether they come easy or are simple images and words that commemorate a moment in time.
We thought we would honor our anniversary with a favorite image and some thoughts that celebrating seven years together inspires!

I am constantly grateful for this community and space – it gives me the opportunity to pick up my camera for pleasure, even if I’m sometimes (always) writing and posting at the very last minute. Sometimes I’m finding beauty in simplicity, or looking at the bigger picture celebrating the landscapes surrounding me, and sometimes I grumpily defend my right to shoot whatever the heck I want to. I’m so appreciative of my fellow Viewfinders – we support and cheer each other on even when we’re struggling to find words or images that tell our story. Thank you for being here with us! – kim

7 years! What a wonderful ride it’s been. To be honest, I didn’t think I’d make it that long – sometimes I struggle to find words to share, but I am truly glad that I’ve remained. Hopefully I’ve been able to impart some thoughts and images that have inspired you! One of the biggest joys participating in Viewfinders, has been participating with my other Viewfinders and our guests, such talented female photographers and writers! I’ve loved hearing about their worlds and learning from them. And of course, getting to know some of you! Thank you so much for all your comments over the years. It truly means the world! ~ Holly

I officially joined the ViewFinders in September of 2015, though I had been acquainted with many of the members prior to that, through Flickr, Instagram, Facebook, photo workshops, and as an original member of the first Mortal Muses blog. I’ve been thrilled to collaborate with such a diverse and talented group of women, and to be able to share our vision of the world through our photography.
I realize that at least three of my ViewFinder posts have been about windows, and windows find their way into many other posts as well, even if they’re not the main topic. This post is one of my favorites, and includes links to some of the others featuring windows.
Happy 7th, fellow ViewFinders! xo — lucy

Happy Anniversary, Viewfinders! I’ve been part of this community for almost five years and the regular opportunity to post has been an added push to keep shooting. I have too many favorites, but I’ve been most surprised by the posts that have come to me when I’ve been overwhelmed, grieving, or simply in awe. It has been so good for me to think about what I want to say every time I post. Let the inspiration continue! – Chinwe

Over the past seven years I have so enjoyed the Viewfinders space and it has been an honour to share it with my fellow Viewfinders. Each and every Viewfinder has inspired me in different ways, through the light and the dark. I am so lucky to have met many of them in person too and it’s always been a joy for us to see the world through the same viewfinder together, even if only briefly.
It’s also been seven years of looking through the viewfinder myself; and that for me has meant looking through the viewfinders of so many kinds of camera, experimenting with different films, and styles of photography. And what have I learnt in these last seven years, those years in which I have practised my art, and becoming more familiar with what makes my eye happy behind the viewfinder? That when it comes down to it, I will continue to chase the light (preferably with some sea thrown in), and that taking pictures is, for me, a way to record fun times and happy memories: of watching children grow up, and sharing food with friends and family. Thank you all for following along with me, and here’s to the next seven years.

Happy Anniversary, Viewfinders! I was honored and delighted to be invited to join in 2018. This community inspires me endlessly. I feel so grateful for the support and friendships that have evolved from our shared passion and collaborations. I love reading each and every post! Thank you for sharing your words and gorgeous images throughout the years! – Laura

In 2015 my first ever Viewfinders post went live. I had different hair, a different name, a different home, a different car, a different job. Different everything. It feels like an entire lifetime ago. These years have been a bumpy but beautiful journey and I am so grateful for this site and these ladies. When I’m lost in a storm and sailing away from my photography love this site as anchored me back to it. Thank you all for inspiring me. Much love, Jenny W.

My goodness, seven years! And lucky seven indeed. I continue to find myself so grateful to be in the company of such incredible photographers, artists, thoughtful individuals and incredible human beings. To be completely honest, I came to this post not knowing exactly what to add, but scrolling through my fellow Viewfinders’ additions, this amazing little theme seemed to emerge. I had to seek out something to do with water. I love that this community continues to push me to see things outside of my professional photography – to see light, to see expression, to see the things that others may pass over without notice. I am ever grateful. —Alison

Over the course of my sharings here, I’ve covered everything from reluctant self portraits, to weird photo projects to moments of inspiration. In the ups and downs of my photo infatuation and career, I feel so lucky to have a space where we can share all the parts of this photography love that keeps us connected. – Angie

Wow, seven years! So many beautiful images and words from my photography community… It’s been wonderful to read and share – can’t wait to do it for seven more! You are all in my heart,

I can’t believe it has been seven years since I joined this community of amazing photographers. When looking back at my time with these inspiring women, the thing that comes to mind, again and again, is how important it has been for me to have other artists around me in the moments I want to sell all my gear. Life can be challenging, and in those moments, picking up a camera- or making art in any way- can be difficult. Being part of Viewfinders has helped me create during these low moments and keep searching for myself through my own viewfinder.
~Staci Lee
In memory of Maria Vatne Payne, gifted photographer and storyteller who briefly posted with us as a Viewfinder before passing away in 2019.
Our love to her family and friends.

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love to each and every one of you, for sharing the light you capture and the light within you…