Really Good Light

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“We believe in the transcendent power of really good light.”

That sentence is from the ViewFinders Manifesto, and the wording has been echoing in my mind lately. Mostly because there is really nothing at all transcendent about the light in winter in Norway (what light?), and winter this year has been long.

I had a preview of spring a couple of weeks ago when I spend a couple of days in Bergen for work. Bergen is infamous for its rain, but I actually had sun on the afternoon I there had alone with my camera. That was glorious.

But then winter came back with a vengeance, and with snow, and it wasn’t until we went to the farm for Easter last Thursday that it started to feel properly like spring.

There was a whole lot of snow there still – chancing a walk on our usual forest path I sank down to my hip and had to be pulled out several times – but the sky was blue and the sun was shining and it was pretty clear that now, finally, we’ve seen the last of winter.

Spring light is many types of light really. It’s the bold and crisp and clean light for the big landscapes, but it is also the light of the little details and the unfocused bokeh pinpricks and the careful and long light of evening.

Enjoy the light!

~ Jenny Graver.


  1. una luce meravigliosa nei tuoi scatti… io vivo in Italia, abbiamo luce a disposizione sempre, ma io amo le atmosfere e le luci fredde del nord…

  2. There’s nothing like big blue skies! So glad the Spring is on its way in your part of the world.

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