NYC on film

In Film, Travel, Uncategorized, Urban Exploration
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On my last visit to NYC to meet my beloved group of online photography friends whom I have known for around ten years, I lugged my huge and heavy Pentax 67ii all around, hoping to shoot some medium format film. Much like Staci Lee in this post, this trip was a dream. Not only did I meet the women I have admired and loved talking to for years, I travelled alone, for the first time in years. I was free to sit and chat with lovely people for hours, walk the city on my own, eat at any place I wanted… It was wonderful, one of the best things that has happened to me this year.

I’m sharing some of my favorite photos of the trip with you today. I am also writing this on 9/11. I heard there was a beautiful, full rainbow over NYC today. I wish I had been there to photograph it.



    • Thank you, Julia… Nothing like being on vacation to feel inspired 🙂

  1. Oh, I love the way you saw it! So beautiful!!!
    You photos capture the light without the heat.

    • Ah, yes, the heat… Hard to capture but it was real!

      I didn’t post the pics of us, saving those for another post!

  2. Love your pictures! I haven’t been to NYC yet, but if I ever get to go, these are exactly what I hope to capture – the little, interesting things.

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